DIRECTIVE 2000/53/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 September 2000 on end-of life vehicles
- M1类:用于运载乘客的车辆,除了驾驶座外,座位不超过8个。
- N1类:用于运载货物的车辆,最大重量不超过3.5吨。
- 三轮机动车:装有内燃式发动机气缸容量不超过50立方厘米,最高设计时速不超过45km/h。
车辆类别 | 描述 |
Category M | Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, or having three wheels when the maximum weight exceeds 1 metric ton, and used for the carriage of passengers. |
Category M1 | Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat. |
Category M2 | Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum weight not exceeding 5 metric tons. |
Category M3 | Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers, comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat, and having a maximum weight exceeding 5 metric tons. |
Category N | Motor vehicles having at least four wheels, or having three wheels when the maximum weight exceeds 1 metric ton, and used for the carriage of goods. |
Category N1 | Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight not exceeding 3-5 metric tons. |
Category N2 | Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 3-5 but not exceeding 12 metric tons. |
Category N3 | Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum weight exceeding 12 metric tons. |
Category O | Trailers (including semi-trailers) |
Category O1 | Trailers with a maximum weight not exceeding 0-75 metric ton. |
Category O2 | Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 0 75 metric ton but not exceeding 3-5 metric tons. |
Category O3 | Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 3-5 but not exceeding 10 metric tons. |
Category O4 | Trailers with a maximum weight exceeding 10 metric tons. |
欧盟报废车辆(End-of-Life Vehicle)指令规定了预防和限制报废车辆废弃物的措施,并确保在可能的情况下进行重复和循环利用。
再使用和再生率要求:对于所有的报废车辆,再使用及再生率(reuse and recovery)不得低于95%,再使用及回收再利用率(reuse and recycle)不得低于85%。
- 零部件合规准入管理工作流设计
- 主机厂化学实验室建设方案
- XRF与GCMS仪器销售
- 实验室操作人员培训教育
- 实验数据管理系统开发
- 瑞旭集团创立于2007年,是国内领先的专业提供REACH合规服务的咨询机构;
- 瑞旭爱尔兰公司自2007年起作为唯一代表已完成1000余种物质的REACH注册,占据中国国内REACH注册服务市场超过70%;
- 瑞旭集团拥有多名超过10年IMDS/CAMDS数据服务经验与有害物质评估测试专家;
- 瑞旭集团已完成的整车全球化学品法规合规项目数近100个,是国内整车REACH合规服务案例最多的机构;
- 瑞旭集团自主整理了全球化学品及有毒有害物质核心数据库,并拥有自主知识产权的高风险材料数据库;
- 瑞旭集团全资子公司希科检测实验室,具备REACH法规所有测试项目的检测能力与相关的CMA/CNAS资质;
- 瑞旭集团的整车方案除覆盖欧盟REACH法规外,还可包括:ELV、POPs、电池、包装、F-gas、BPR等法规,可为客户提供化学品及有害物质法规的一站全解方案;
- 瑞旭集团除欧盟法规外,还能提供全球化学品及有害物质法规合规服务,可包括:美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、印度、巴西等;
- 瑞旭集团具备除化学品及有害物质法规服务能力外,还提供双碳管理服务(CDP,SBTi,EPD认证,组织碳盘查软件,产品碳足迹计算,ESG咨询等);
- 瑞旭集团的多元化和国际化业务体系,可以及时高效帮助客户处理各种合规问题;
- 严谨、专业、完整的合规咨询流程,保证评估过程的可控性和评估结果的可靠性;
- 瑞旭集团的多元化和国际化业务体系,可以及时高效帮助客户处理各种合规问题;
- 法规动态的实时更新和应对;监管当局政策趋势的及时解读和应对;
- 新能源汽车在行业发展中的趋势;电池合规解决方案的应对;